Monday, March 7, 2011


Two major parts of working in a library are:
a) Keeping up with books, and
b) Keeping up with technology.

As new books are always being released and technology is constantly changing, this can be a bit of a challenge. I've just found a website that actually combines both books and technology. keeps an online list of what you've read, as well as what you're currently reading. It even records what you want to read in the future. This works out great for me because I constantly pick up books on the shelves and think, I've really got to read that someday, and then of course I forget about the book and never end up reading it.

I have 27 books "on my bookshelf"... so far. 19 of these are favourites that I've already read. Why keep track of books that you've already read? Well, on Goodreads, you can share your bookshelf with friends. The next time one of my friends asks me for a book recommendation, I'll send them to my Goodreads page, where they can see what I've read and what I've rated it. It'll definitely save me a lot of time!

Ì have one book, Shopoholic & Sister, on my currently reading shelf. As I keep reading, I have the option to put in periodical reviews and update other users of Goodreads on my progress so far.

That leaves seven more books, all of which are in my to-read pile. I'm going on vacation soon, and this list will help me decide what books I want to fill my suit case with. As soon as I start reading any one of these books, I'll move it right onto my currently reading bookshelf, and of course when I finish it, I'll rate it, maybe leave a review and move it to the read shelf.

You can follow me on Goodreads at Let me know what you think of the site!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Jordan! I'm always wondering which books I have and haven't read. Now I can keep track of it all lol
